Career Change Guidance

Embark on a journey to reshape your destiny and navigate a successful career change


Craft your future with the guidance of a program designed to empower you in shaping the life and career you desire. This program assists you in charting a course that not only facilitates successful career change but also enables you to reach your objectives and maximize your potential.

To change your desired results, you must change your attitude and behaviour and this programme provides the tools you need to do that – a life-changing experience that guarantees success and the realisation of your life/job/career aspirations.

We offer guidance as part of this programme to help you analyse what talents, skills, competencies, interests and achievements you have, that will help you identify your ideal/realistic career. This self-assessment and self-analysis will help you focus on your passions, desires and strengths in the world of work and employment, helping you make them a reality. Various online career-based psychometric assessments and paper-based career-based psychometric exercises can be used in this exciting journey of self-discovery, change and development internally/externally, tangibly/intangibly.

Our objective is to help you choose the right course for this new career and help you choose courses as part of a long-term job/career change/development plan. The importance that the course will give you more than just one option when it is completed i.e., open up many doors, cannot be overstated. Course title, content, cost, duration, location, part-time, full-time, distance learning or classroom, are all analyzed with and for you and then a realistic, suitable course chosen that best suits your needs and requirements that ultimately will help you realise your ideal career.

Price Range

  • Prices range from € 495.00 – € 1495.00
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