
Career Planning in your Organsiation

Career Planning in your Organisation i.e. the place in which you work, is not always the responsibility of your manager or the organisation. Yes, the organisation is responsible to provide the environment, culture and resources to help you plan your career, but at the end of the day it is you who has to use […]

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How to get promoted…

How to get promoted in an organisation is not always easy, especially for the people who have been in the organisation a long time and feel they deserve to be promoted. People may have been promised a promotion as part of a performance review or during the recruitment & selection process and it hasn\’t materialized. […]

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Outplacement is the term given to employers who wish to support their employees who need to be made redundant from their job / organisation. Outplacement services can be provided by employees who work in the organisation (from the HR Department) or the organisation can source the services from an external professional provider who has experienced […]

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Seven Steps to Managing Your Career…

We probably spend half or even more of our waking hours working.  If we don’t like what we do, it spills into our personal / family lives and has a tremendous impact.  If our career and subsequent income don’t give us financial and just reward, we sometimes ask ourselves ‘ What is it all for?’  […]

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Changing Career

I have only experienced the receipt of a voluntary redundancy severance package (VRSP) once in my career, whereas some of you reading this may have received a few in your careers or some never.  Receiving a large sum of money from an employer is a very rewarding experience no matter what the experience (for a […]

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Managing your career (Seven Steps)…

We probably spend half our waking hours working.  If we don’t like what we do, it spills into our personal lives and has a tremendous impact.  If our career and subsequent income don’t give us financial and just reward, we sometimes ask ourselves ‘ What is it all for?’  Financial reward shouldn\’t always be a motivator though, […]

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The Target Letter…

As I write this, there are people walking the streets of cities, towns and business parks, dropping in or handing in copies of their CV’s / Résumé’s or they are hitting the send / submit button to organizations who have not requested it from them or who have not advertised an open job position or […]

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Achievements ‘V’s Responsibilities…

How CV’s have changed over the years. Employers are no longer reading CV’s, they are scanning them looking for key words and statements that help them make a decision whether to meet you or not. They are really not interested in what you did or do in your previous or current employments, they are more […]

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How to Look for a Job…

Looking for a job is a full-time job. It takes discipline, commitment and organisation. It also takes knowledge and skill in how to do it effectively and efficiently so as to get fast, effective, positive results. Job hunting is about writing to, meeting with, speaking to people help who hold the key to opening the […]

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Your CV…

The CV is your life story i.e. the story of your life to date on paper. It is the document that usually is people’s first impression of you. It is a document that people should see only when there is a realistic chance of they wanting to meet you to discuss a job opportunity. It […]

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