Outplacement services are services an employer offers to employees who are made redundant from their job in the employer’s organisation. Whether the employee is taking / accepting a voluntary severance package or it is a situation of compulsory redundancy, the employer can help their ‘now’ previous employee make a great start in their search for a new employment income. The employer can choose an external organisation to provide the outplacement service to the employee(s) over a number of hours; a number of days or a number of weeks depending on their available budget.
Outplacement services can include the following help and supports for the employee:
- Designing Your Destiny & Identification of Your Ideal, Realistic Job / Career
- Identification of Further Education, Training, Learning & Development Needs
- Presentation on Paper (Cover Letters, Executive Summary’s, Curriculum Vitaes, Target Letters)
- Job Hunting Skills (Six ways in how to secure interviews)
- Interview Skills & Techniques (Competency-based)
- Return to Work Programmes
- Own Business Development, Planning & Management
- Personal Development in a Business Framework (Coaching)

Outplacement Services
Advantages for the employee upon receiving these services include:
- They can secure a new form of income much faster
- They don’t feel isolated after becoming unemployed
- They know that what they are doing in securing a new form of income is being carried out correctly and professionally
- Confidence and self-belief is maintained or at least enhanced
- They have an opportunity to change and realise their ideal job / career
Advantages for the employer / organisation include:
- They are seen as a great place to work in
- The employee receiving the outplacement service is grateful to them
- Remaining employees appreciate that the employer is helping their fellow employee
- The employer feels a sense of satisfaction having helped the employee
- They are creating employment / business for their outplacement service partner
Outplacement services are a good thing to offer and a good to thing to receive…