Practice, prepare and punctually complete psychometrically-based Questionnaires

Psychometric Assessment

What is Psychometric Assessment

Psychometric assessment supports organisations in the recruitment and selection process, and indeed promotion decisions of new and existing key employees respectively. Reading CV’s and Application Forms, and carrying out Interviews, is sometimes not enough and may not tell them if the candidate will ‘fit’ into the organisation’s culture, will they get on with other employees, will they interact positively with your team(s) and will they be the right person for the job. This is where Psychometric Assessment plays such an important and critical role the recruitment, selection and promotion processes for organisations and hence the reason that you should prepare and practice them before the actual assessment. Should you not pass the Psychometric Assessment, you may / will not be invited to the next stage of the Interview process.

Benefits of using Psychometric Assessment

  • Reliable and objective means of establishing information about candidates as part of a recruitment & selection process
  • Compare results to other candidates
  • Significant support in helping organisations in validating the hiring of the right candidate / promoting the right employee
  • You are allowed demonstrate why you should be hired / promoted
  • The organisation wants to be seen as a professional organisation, who treats future employees / existing employees with respect and caring attitude

Types of Psychometric Assessment

Public Sector-based / Government-based organisations have taken Psychometric Assessment to new levels, where they employ specific people / organisations to design, administer and score Psychometric Tests to people in 1 : 1 or Group formats, that are tailored around the specific job / role being filled.

They include the following types of tests:

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Numerical
  • Spatial

How to Prepare for Psychometric Assessment

  • Find out if any of your work colleagues or friends have completed them before and listen to their experiences and advises
  • Source free tests On-line and practice
  • Understand and appreciate how difficult they can be
  • Understand and appreciate that you will be against a clock for every question
  • It is better to have less questions answered that are correct, than have more questions answered that are incorrect

Talent Fusion are qualified Occupational Testers and Assessors and can administer, deliver, score and report on most types of Psychometric Tests and Assessments.

Talent Fusion is Certified by the British Psychological Society (BPS).


  • Please Contact Ger for a tailored proposal @ Contact us
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